Latest News from the Spreaker team
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Latest updates from Spreaker Team

Caterina avatar
Shared by Caterina • July 26, 2024

Our team at Spreaker is very busy these days, working restlessly on a big project we can’t wait to disclose with you 🙊

However, while defining the last details of this dazzling development, we didn’t want to leave you empty-handed and we are here to say hi and update you with some releases from the Spreaker website:

  • 🔖 Chapters are back in the episode pages and they are cooler than ever. With Spreaker, you can add chapters to your episodes to allow easier access to important content that you want to highlight. This can include images, texts, or links. The use of chapters allows hosts to share additional information to further enhance the listening experience.
  • 🫵🏻 “Suggested episodes for you” section in homepage. Listeners will find episodes we think they will like based on their listening experience.
  • 🎧 Episode progress. We ensure real-time updates of episode progress so if an episode wasn’t listened to fully, listeners they can start it again where they left off.

That's it for today! If you want to contact us, don't forget you can always find us here.