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Turn listeners in supporters: do the first move with Spreaker Supporters Club

Filippo avatar
Shared by Filippo • March 05, 2024

We are happy to introduce the Supporters Club, a Monthly Subscription Feature where 100% of the Revenue goes to the Creators.

This feature is available to all the Pro podcasts hosted on Spreaker allowing listeners to directly support their favorite creators through a monthly subscription model.

Key Features of the Supporters Club:

💰 100% Revenue to Creators: Unlike traditional platforms, Spreaker takes no percentage from the subscription fee.

💎 Exclusive content for your loyal listeners: you can reward your supporters with special content, ad-free episodes, behind-the-scenes insights, premier episodes, or other valuable extras.

🍱 Everything in One Place: The Supporters Club eliminates the necessity of utilizing multiple platforms. It is an additional revenue stream within the Spreaker platform meaning creators can now have their ad revenue, and subscription revenue all under one roof.

Our Supporters Club marks a significant step towards empowering creators and fostering a more direct and sustainable connection between them and their audience. We believe that by channeling 100% of subscription revenue to the creators, we are not just providing a service but actively diversifying revenue possibilities and contributing to the growth and success of the creative community.

You can activate it, in the Monetization section of your podcast, after selecting it from the CMS.